Mill Bridge Farm, Meriden NH

A well loved herd of Guernsey cows, a small flock of Tunis sheep, a few milk fed pigs, some chickens, just enough friendly barn cats, a crazy pack of brown dogs, and a bunch of devoted humans.

Mill Bridge Farm is a 4-H project gone right. From chickens to sheep to pigs to cows, Mill Bridge Farm has become an established small dairy farm in Meriden, New Hampshire. Our family has shown our Guernseys in local, regional and national shows, and along the way we have come home with ribbons, banners and medals. We love getting our Guernsey Girls out there and sharing with the public how incredibly awesome they are. There’s been lots of long days and nights, some tears, and tons of smiles.

We strive to raise some of the best Guernseys out there who can show in our local fairs or on the national stage, and can produce the most awesome golden creamy milk in the barn! We often will have a few Guernseys for sale - reach out to us if you’re interested.

Registered Guernseys

Tunis sheep, pigs, and chickens.

We have a small flock of Tunis sheep who provide us with top quality wool, and lamb. We also usually raise a few milk fed pigs on the farm. Our chickens get to munch on garden and kitchen scraps, and in return, give us plenty of eggs. Unless they’re on strike. If you’re interested in our wool products, lamb, pork or eggs, please contact us.

The Farmers!